Showing results for tag "foreign-residency"

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During decline, throughout history, a series of policies is invariably undertaken to save those in government. These policies are always at the expense of the populace.

A Normal Country

The former Free World is approaching a crisis, and all of the countries that make up that bloc are now teetering on the edge of socio-economic decline…

The World is Your Oyster

How internationalizing your life today can lead to greater freedom and happiness tomorrow.

Where Should I Go?

One of the questions I’m most often asked is, “I’ve decided to get out of my home country before it’s too late. Which countries are the best ones to go to?” Unfortunately, answering this question is akin to answering, “What’s the best place in town for me to have lunch?” The question is too broad […]

Doug Casey on the USA: Fight, or Flight?

An Interview with Doug Casey and Joel Bowman Joel Bowman: When we left off last, I think you and I were talking about burning one’s passport, which seems like a natural enough subject for a couple of anti-statists to address. While we’re on the topic, I can’t help but notice that the number of U.S. […]

Offshore Jurisdiction Review: The Bahamas

The Bahamas is a true veteran in the offshore financial services sector.

What E-Residency in Estonia Is, and How to Get It

When you look at everything that Estonia offers—a reputable EU jurisdiction that uses the euro; the most competitive tax system in the OECD; a business-friendly and tech-savvy atmosphere that opens its doors to productive foreigners—planting an offshore flag there can make a lot of sense.

Offshore Jurisdiction Review: Switzerland

Switzerland has long been and still is the world’s top offshore banking jurisdiction.

The Best Countries for Lifestyle and Legal Residency

It’s crucial to differentiate between lifestyle residency and legal residency, as well as the best countries to consider for both.

Why Living in Singapore May (or May Not) Be Right for You

A balanced look at one of the world’s most up and coming places.

The Easiest Country to Obtain Residency: Panama

Panama offers one of the easiest ways to obtain permanent residency—with a path to a second passport—available in any country today.

Offshore Jurisdiction Review: Malta

This tranquil, bilingual Mediterranean island nation has a lot to offer those looking to internationalize.

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