Are You Already in Jail?

In recent years, stories coming from those who cross the Canadian/US border have become increasingly like those of the caricatures seen in the films of fifty years ago, depicting East European countries that were under the control of the USSR.

Doug Casey in Cyprus: Crisis Investing in Action

Readers who have been with us for a while know that I’ve been hinting at the project Doug Casey and I have been working on in Cyprus. It’s a project that dovetails perfectly with Doug’s unique expertise. Now is the time to reveal what we have been up to.

Ignoring the Obvious

When we discover that the government that we have been brought up to believe exists for our protection has become no less than the greatest threat to our well-being, we may behave in the way described by Lamar Keene.

The Minimum Wage and Unemployment in Australia

Austrian economics is very relevant to internationalization, because it gives us the intellectual tools to better understand the distortions that actions of a desperate government can cause… and how to better position our investments and ourselves as a result.

Doug Casey on Crisis Investing in Cyprus

Recently, legendary crisis investor Doug Casey and I put our boots to the ground in Cyprus to search the rubble of one of recent history’s most significant financial crises—the financial collapse and bank deposit raid in Cyprus—for incredible bargains. And we found them. We discuss in this newly released video. 

How the Russian Oligarchs Became Oligarchs… and How You Can Too

Like in all crisis markets, it takes intestinal fortitude to look past the obvious danger in Cyprus to see the enormous investment opportunities. And there is no better person to guide you through this crisis market than the legendary crisis investor Doug Casey.

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