Will America Bounce Back?

It seems obvious that the world economy is heading for a crash. But what will become of America after the crash? Will the same pioneering spirit that founded the nation return to reconstruct it? Will America bounce back? IM correspondent Jeff Thomas thinks not.

Can a Military Man become an International Man?

Chris Hess has experienced a life not too many of us can imagine… as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Air Force. Traveling around the world working for Uncle Sam. But he has also been someone who has taken the message of internationalization to heart.

Create a “Live Anywhere” Lifestyle Business

Part of IM’s Internationalization Triangle is to diversify one’s source of income. And one of the best ways of doing that is by creating a business that can be run anywhere in the world with just a laptop and an internet connection.

Create a “Live Anywhere” Lifestyle Business

Part of IM’s Internationalization Triangle is to diversify one’s source of income. And one of the best ways of doing that is by creating a business that can be run anywhere in the world with just a laptop and an internet connection.

Arrested Development

It’s time the average person on the street faces facts: bailouts, subsidies and handouts cannot continue indefinitely. Yet, for some reason, they expect it to not only continue, but for governments to increase the amounts given out. Pretty much all of our members already realize this, and have taken or are taking steps to prepare for economic problems ahead. Of course, it won’t just be a problem of economics. Today, Jeff Thomas looks at another aspect of the upcoming crisis: social upheaval.

Rewriting History – It’s Nothing New

I have always found American history interesting, perhaps more colourful than British History. The heroes were always more heroic; the causes more clear. This was particularly true with regard to the period during which the American colonists broke free from Britain. To this day, I consider them thoroughly justified, as they had become a highly productive people who were regarded simply as a cash cow for the Crown.

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