The Five-Million-Dollar Reason for Going Offshore

Just when you thought there was nothing more the US government could do to motivate you to ship your financial life offshore, they came up with another one. And if you have a sizeable net worth, it’s a big one; you could save your family $2.2 million in taxes by acting on the opportunity during the next 21 months. A husband-and-wife effort could save twice as much.

Who’s in Charge?

For many years, we have been predicting that the die has been cast for economic and political cataclysm for the US economy and, by extension, that of the first world. Not surprisingly, the reaction by most others over the years is that the sun is still shining and that only a “Chicken Little” would be predicting a major storm. During this period, most people have said, “We’ll deal with it if it comes and not before.”

Who’s in Charge?

For many years, we have been predicting that the die has been cast for economic and political cataclysm for the US economy and, by extension, that of the first world. Not surprisingly, the reaction by most others over the years is that the sun is still shining and that only a “Chicken Little” would be predicting a major storm. During this period, most people have said, “We’ll deal with it if it comes and not before.”

Expatriate Your Wallet

If everything you own is held in your own name in your own country, then you are not merely exposed, you are vulnerable absolutely, to whatever decisions the government might make about how you should behave and who gets the wealth you’ve earned.

Beautiful Minds: An Interview with a South African Expat

At 23 years of age, Marina Passalaris left the sunsets of Zululand, South Africa with her family for Australia’s Sunshine Coast. Marina talks to us about the difficulties she had in moving abroad, and about the business she’s now set up, Beautiful Minds.

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