Showing results for tag "fiat-currency"

Like So Much Mulberry Bark

Over time, every fiat currency ever created has failed and always for the same reason…

The Extraordinary Popular Delusions at the Eccles Building

Never in the history of the world has the financial well-being of so many tied to the economic competence of so few.

Central Bankers Reveal the Next Phase in Their War on Savers

Is there currently a war being waged on savers and retirees?

Farewell to Paper Money?

The War on Cash is a war on your economic freedom.

All That’s Missing Is a Black Swan

Any one of a dozen or so events could send the U.S. economy into a complete tailspin.

Is Argentina in America’s Future?

Never before has so much fake money created so much fake prosperity and faked out so many people.

Turkey: A Glimpse of America’s Future

We had never previously spent even two minutes thinking about Turkey or its finances. But then, after the president roused our curiosity, we saw what we think was a glimpse of the future.