Showing results for tag "fatca"

How TIEAs and Requests for Financial Information Work

The threat to your financial privacy from a worldwide system of automatic exchange of information is very real. This is informally known as GATCA and is based on the atrocious FATCA law.

This Could Destroy the Lives of Millions

Dual American-Canadian citizens are finding themselves in a serious bind due to FATCA, which has been dubbed “the worst law that Americans have never heard of.”

Privacy Versus Secrecy

The very idea that the individual has a natural-born right to his privacy and basic freedoms flies in the face of the collectivist ideal.

FATCA: A Tool of the Electronic Surveillance State

In light of sweeping revelations about the email, telephone, and internet surveillance activities of the NSA, it’s time to take a look at FATCA’s implications for personal electronic privacy and the growing power of the US intelligence agencies’ global surveillance state.

The Devolution of Financial Privacy

It’s no surprise to anyone paying attention that the pace in which financial privacy is evolving worldwide is accelerating. And unfortunately for the worse.

The Real Reason Governments Are Killing Financial Privacy

Why countries worldwide are waging a global war on cash and financial privacy.

A New “Global Standard” Takes Shape

Why would the US government go through all the enormous trouble of implementing FATCA if it’s going to bring in a meager amount of money? Plus, the International Man weekly update.

A New “Global Standard” Takes Shape

Why would the US government go through all the enormous trouble of implementing FATCA if it’s going to bring in a meager amount of money? Plus, the International Man weekly update.

An Avalanche of New Regulations You Need to Know About

There is an avalanche on the horizon. It will bury you alive unless you take steps to protect yourself (i.e. second passport, offshore bank account). Plus, the International Man weekly update.

When the Window Closes for Americans

Something I think you can plan your life around is the eventuality of the US government imposing capital controls and other restrictive measures.

Will Russia and China Slay the FATCA Beast?

What the International Man needs to know this week, recent articles and news, the best internationalization sources on the web, and more.

China & FATCA Overreach

What the International Man needs to know this week, recent articles and news, the best internationalization sources on the web, and more.

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